DataTables: AltEditor (beta) ADDON Custom made editor plugin designed for Datatables


DataTables AltEditor is a MIT licensed free editor. The plugin adds capabilities to add, edit and delete rows in your datatables through the use of modals. We have modified the editor extensively to be used with SmartAdmin for PHP and make your job a little easier. This current version of AltEditor is exclusive to SmartAdmin and we intend to keep it up to date to be compatible with DataTables.

You can find the definitions of its elements on their official github page. Note: Only use the exclusive plugin included with this WebApp as the one on github may not be compatible with SmartAdmin.

Example Table

Datatable accepts the following callback functions as arguments: onAddRow(datatable, rowdata, success, error), onEditRow(datatable, rowdata, success, error), onDeleteRow(datatable, rowdata, success, error)

In the most common case, these function should call $.ajax as expected by the webservice. The two functions success and error should be passed as arguments to $.ajax. Webservice must return the modified row in JSON format, because the success() function expects this. Otherwise you have to write your own success() callback (e.g. refreshing the whole table).

Event logs (AJAX Calls)
IE Support
The latest update for Alt-Editor has dropped support for IE in general. We have included the latest version of Alt-editor (catered for SmartAdmin) inside src/custom/plugins/datatables-alteditor/datatables-alteditor-latest.js found only in the HTML flavor. You may switch to this latest version of Alt editor to gain access to the Support Modifiers below.
Column option Accepted values Description
type "text" | "select" | "hidden" | ... Type of HTML input to be shown. The value readonly is accepted for backward compatibility, but deprecated.
readonly true | false Add readonly HTML attribute
disabled true | false Add disabled HTML attribute
required true | false Add required HTML attribute
hoverMsg "some msg" The message will appear as a tooltip over the input field.
unique true | false Ensure that no two rows have the same value. The check is performed client side, not server side. Set HTML "data-unique" attribute. (Probably there's some issue with this).
uniqueMsg "some msg" An error message that is displayed when the unique constraint is not respected. Set HTML "data-uniqueMsg" attribute.
special "any string" Set HTML "data-special" attribute (don't know what's that needed for).
editorOnChange function Custom onchange function. It will take as arguments the jquery event and the altEditor object.
Options for columns with type "text":
pattern r.e. The typed text will be matched against given regular expression, before submit.
msg "some msg" An error message that is displayed in case pattern is not matched. Set HTML "data-errorMsg" attribute.
maxLength integer Set HTML "maxlength" attribute.
datepicker {} Enable a datepicker component. jQuery-UI plugin must be linked. More datepicker configuration options may be passed within the object.
datetimepicker {} Enable a datetimepicker component. jQuery datetimepicker plugin must be linked. More datetimepicker configuration options may be passed within the object.
Options for columns with type "select":
options ["a", "b", "c"] or {"a":"A", "b":"B", "c":"C"} The options that shall be presented.
select2 {} Enable a select2 component. Select2 jQuery plugin must be linked. More select2 configuration options may be passed within the object.
multiple true | false Set HTML "multiple" attribute.
Options for columns with type "textarea":
rows integer Set HTML "rows" attribute.
cols integer Set HTML "cols" attribute.